Now that you’ve used Gradebook to grade your players the fun begins. Football Gradebook has over 15 reports that allow you to better understand the areas where your players are excelling and where they need work.

Before Football Gradebook most coaches went through the grading exercise only to have stacks of paper or spreadsheets that were hard to boil down into information that you could really make decisions on. The reports generated by Football Gradebook change all of that!

Identifying problems that your players are having with certain plays is a key way to improve your team’s performance. With Football Gradebook this is easy to do as Problem Reports are included with the system!

You can also look at your customized ‘Production Point’ categories in our Production Point Reports

The power of Football Gradebook Reports allow you to focus on the areas your players need to improve the most. Better Players make a better team, Football Gradebook’s reporting tools will help you get the most from your players in the quest for victory!
Reports can be viewed on the screen, printed out, or shared via PDF. In addition, players can easily see key reporting metrics on their own Player Portal and coaches can view information about performance on their Dashboard.