Getting started with Football Gradebook is simple. Football Gradebook is a web based system that can be accessed from anywhere. Once you purchase Football Gradebook via Credit Card or PayPal you will receive an email inviting you to get started.

Clicking the link will take you to a login screen where you can login using your Google ID (gmail etc.). One of the benefits of Gradebook is there are no passwords to have to manage, remember, or forget, users simply use their existing Google credentials to access the system!

Once logged in the user can either apply the purchased license to an existing team they already were using that had become unlicensed (if they were a previous user of Gradebook) – or – create a new team.

Users will enter information about the team, give the team a season, add games to the season, and enter their player roster. Once complete they are ready to use Football Gradebook by entering plays for their first game!