Performance Sporting really began back in 2003 when Bill Neville worked with Coach Tommy Tuberville and Hugh Nall on a system that Auburn University’s football program could use to grade players more efficiently.

Sean Cullinan then worked on FPS as the system morphed into a full fledged Football analysis product called “FPS” which stood for “Football Performance System.” Vaughn Maceina was a Graduate Assistant with the program and enjoyed using the software as part of game preparation. Auburn University’s football program used FPS until the 2008 season when the coaching staff changed. By this point it was pretty much running on it’s own with little input from the developers so after the coaching staff change the software sat on the shelf for almost a decade.
In 2018 Vaughn reached out to Bill and Sean to see if he could acquire the software to use in his current role as Assistant Coach of the Offensive Line at Fairhope High School in Alabama. While much of the functionality that was in FPS had been duplicated and improved upon elsewhere, Vaughn had looked all over for a tool that did player grading as well as FPS and could not find anything. Since the software had sat for a decade, Bill and Sean couldn’t offer the outdated technology solution to Vaughn. Instead it was decided that the grading portion of the software would be redeveloped into a modern web/cloud based product that could be sold at scale to anyone.
Performance Sporting is proud to announce Football Gradebook, our first product, in time for the 2019 football season. For more information please see the Football Gradebook website at https://performancesporting.com/fgb.
Performance Sporting doesn’t intend to stop with this product. Check this site often to stay up to date with all of the products and solutions we can offer coaches in their quest to develop the best athletes and teams possible!